Protecting our Lake

Lake McCarrons is an invaluable resource to the community in southeast Roseville. People come together on the lake to enjoy swimming, kayaking, water skiing, fishing and more — so water quality and safety is essential to everyone. The discovery of zebra mussels in 2019 and issues with E. coli in recent years have shown that a coordinated effort is needed to prevent and control the further spread of aquatic invasive species and work with government officials on issues that impact the health and quality of the lake.

Better Together

McCarrons Lakefront Alliance was formed in 2019 by a group of volunteer homeowners on Lake McCarrons to prevent and control the spread of invasive species, enhance the lake’s water quality and work with government agencies to obtain available resources to achieve these goals. We encourage neighbors to join in our efforts, and we truly believe that we can have a positive impact if we all work together.

Get in Touch

McCarrons Lakefront Alliance
If you are interested in learning more, donating, or joining the group, send us a message!

Lake McCarrons Association, Lake McCarrons Lake Association