
McCarrons Lakefront Alliance would like to thank you for your interest in supporting the efforts of protecting the health, quality, and recreational capacity of Lake McCarrons.

Here are a some of our active plans:

  • Establishing a zebra mussel monitoring program
  • Creating a monitoring and mitigation plan for E.coli
  • Serving as a central organization to connect residents, DNR, CRWD, and Ramsey County.
  • Creating a resource-rich website for information on the lake and educational resources.

Lake McCarrons is a beautiful resource for everyone to enjoy and is definitely worth protecting. We are grateful for donations of any amount and encourage giving what you can to help. Donations will be used to cover operational costs, educational materials and supplies for programs such as zebra mussel monitoring. Remaining funds will be saved for possible mitigation or treatment opportunities in the future. McCarrons Lakefront Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations in any amount are tax deductible.

See you on the Lake!
McCarrons Lakefront Alliance